
井筒 将太インタビュー

  • Act dining corporation
  • Director
  • Enter the company:October, 2009

  • DOB:August 7, 1983

  • Blood Type:A

  • Hobby:Playing with son (2 y.o.)

  • Favorite word:Thank you!

why I chose this company

I talked with CEO about our dream passionately since we were high school students. I have been working since we are self-employed, having same vision “We will make a restaurant together”.

About my job

I am involved with: Numerical management (annual budget, PL), Accounting (cash management, respond to a licensed tax accountant, CF management), labor management (procedure of joining and leaving company, attendance management, payroll management and social service), human resource (recruiting, career improvement, evaluation procedures), managing and practicing the marketing promotions (WEB, SNS<DM, advertisement, signboards, menu, visuals for the stores, and apps), and so on.

When do I feel I love my job?

My major duty is to manage the overall takings of the company, which means improving customer satisfactions. I seek how we can continue to improve satisfaction of customers for an extended period of time by how I distribute the budgets, planning the implementations for the sales target, and supporting the store managers by visiting their stores. When those things are accomplished, what I have done becomes rewarding.
Additionally, when I interact with the CEO, employees, and PA and see them discussing about the company passionately, I truly appreciate to work with such group of individuals who are like my family privately and professionally.

The next steps:

I’d like to continue to work for what Mr. Tanaka “wants to do” and how we can make his ideas into the reality. In order to do that, I will continue to improve my skills and actively involved with the company as it grows.

Message for the future colleagues:

“Work” fills out most of your lives. I would like you to find out what you want to do and enjoy your work as you can use it for your self-improvement. Find the work place where you can say, “This is it!”

Favorite Words:

“Thank you! Arigatou!”
I believe that the company exists because of the colleagues, employees, clients, and customers. I want to always remember to appreciate.



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